Join °ÄÃŲʿª½±½á¹û¼Ç¼ÀúÊ·AA
Where you belong!
By becoming a member of °ÄÃŲʿª½±½á¹û¼Ç¼ÀúÊ· Alumni Association, you’ll be part of the Nanook Nation community of alumni and friends who love °ÄÃŲʿª½±½á¹û¼Ç¼ÀúÊ·. Education, the arts, culture, athletics — whatever you love about °ÄÃŲʿª½±½á¹û¼Ç¼ÀúÊ·, membership in the alumni association keeps you connected. It’s a community in which you’ll enjoy a sense of belonging, celebrate beloved °ÄÃŲʿª½±½á¹û¼Ç¼ÀúÊ· traditions, show your Nanook pride and support the University.
Your membership dues make the following possible:
- Student scholarships
- Grants to improve campus life
- Sponsorship of °ÄÃŲʿª½±½á¹û¼Ç¼ÀúÊ· and student events
- Nanook Rendezvous annual reunion
- Alumni events in Alaska and the Lower 48
- Distinguished Alumna/Alumnus and William R. Cashen Service Awards
- The Alumnus newsletter
- °ÄÃŲʿª½±½á¹û¼Ç¼ÀúÊ· legislative advocacy
There are a variety of membership choices for you and your family:
- Annual membership dues $50
- Three-year membership, save $10, $140
- Lifetime membership, one-time payment $1,000
- Lifetime installment, three annual payments $334
- Friends of °ÄÃŲʿª½±½á¹û¼Ç¼ÀúÊ· (annual membership only) $60
Members of the Alumni Association receive a variety of benefits. Learn more about the benefits.
Don’t want to join online?
Call the Alumni Association office toll free at 844-474-6706 with your credit card information. Printing out the membership application (PDF) and mailing or faxing it to:
°ÄÃŲʿª½±½á¹û¼Ç¼ÀúÊ· Alumni Association
201 Constitution Hall
PO Box 750126
Fairbanks, AK 99775-0126
Fax: 907-474-6712