澳门彩开奖结果记录历史 Math Services
澳门彩开奖结果记录历史 Math Services
Check out the new Student Success Center!!
Drop-In In-person tutoring has moved! The drop in Math Tutoring is now located on the 6th floor of the Rasmuson Building!
DMS Math Services provides tutoring for students enrolled in lower division 澳门彩开奖结果记录历史 MATH and STAT courses.
- Online tutoring through Zoom To make an appointment go to . You will need your UA credentials to log in. On your dashboard, click "schedule
an appointment." Appointments can be made for 15, 30, 45,or 60 minutes. Students can
make appointments within the hour up to 14 days in advance.
- One-on-one tutoring will be in Chapman 210. To make an appointment go to . You will need your UA credentials to log in. On your dashboard, click "schedule an appointment." Appointments can be made for 15, 30, 45,or 60 minutes. Students can make appointments within the hour up to 14 days in advance.
Do you have questions about the DMS tutoring services?
Email us at uaf-traccloud@alaska.edu
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