Climate Scholars Program at °ÄÃŲʿª½±½á¹û¼Ç¼ÀúÊ·
The Climate Scholar Experience
Climate change is one of the defining issues of our time. Meeting its many challenges will require innovative solutions and well-planned action — at both a local and global level. The Climate Scholars Program at °ÄÃŲʿª½±½á¹û¼Ç¼ÀúÊ· offers the first opportunity of its kind in the nation for undergraduates to get involved and make a meaningful impact.
As a Climate Scholar at °ÄÃŲʿª½±½á¹û¼Ç¼ÀúÊ·, you’ll engage in a highly interdisciplinary academic experience that connects the arts, humanities and sciences. You’ll also have the chance to work with top climate science experts who are engaged in cutting-edge research on climate and the Arctic.
Climate Scholars Program Requirements
To be eligible for Climate Scholars opt-in undergraduate students must meet one of the following criteria:
- Current °ÄÃŲʿª½±½á¹û¼Ç¼ÀúÊ· Honors student
- 3.7+ high school final cumulative GPA (we will use the weighted GPA if you have taken AP classes)
- 3.7+ college GPA
- RAHI graduate
- ANSEP participant
- Emerging Scholar Academy student
- UA Scholar
- Highest tier Alaska Performance Scholarship awardee
We encourage students who do not meet opt-in criteria, but are interested in becoming
a Climate Scholar, to use our Climate Scholars Program Petition form below.
Petitioning requires that students submit the following:
- Cumulative GPA from your high school, transferring school, or from °ÄÃŲʿª½±½á¹û¼Ç¼ÀúÊ·
- Three letters of recommendation
- Personal statement
- Interview with Climate Scholars staff